
E.V. Sergunova, PhD; Professor A.A. Sorokina, PhD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); 4-2, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St., Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

The fruits and berries of medicinal plants are widely used in allopathy and homeopathy. They enter the pharmacy packed for over the counter sale and for preparation of aqueous extracts; they are also used to manufacture tinctures and extracts in pharmaceutical industry. The 13th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation permits the use of dried and fresh fruits and berries. The fresh fruits and berries are richest in biologically active compounds (BACs). However, it is especially difficult to store and keep fleshy fruits and berries fresh longer due to high moisture contents since physical, chemical, and biological processes continue to take place in them. Recourse is made to preservation to slow down the processes of BAC destruction and to lower the pharmacological activity of raw materials. Drying is currently a main preservation method. Cooling and freezing are now widely used in food industry to preserve fruits and vegetables. This procedure is practically not pharmacy. The investigation shows that freezing is a promising method to preserve fresh medicinal plant raw materials on the basis of systematic studies of the influence of low temperatures on the composition of the metabolome of fleshy fruits.

preservation of medicinal plant raw materials
biologically active compounds
fruits and berries

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