
Professor N.Sh. Kaisheva, PhD; A.Sh. Kaishev, PhD; N.Sh. Aslanova Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Branch, Volgograd State Medical University; 11, Kalinin Pr., Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory 357532

It is important to determinate the resistance of pectinate macromolecules during their passage through the membrane in order to define whether pectins may be used as medicinal detoxicants and a carrier of biogenic metals. Equilibrium dialysis was used to investigate the resistance of copper (II), iron (II), and cobalt (II) pectinates as compared to sugar beet pectin, copper (II) acetate, iron (II) sulfate, and cobalt (II) sulfate during passage across the rat parietal peritoneum, as well as the lecithin membrane, a biomembrane model. It is shown that both the lecithin membranes and rat parietal peritoneum can yield the similar results. The passage of all pectinates through the lecithin membranes (irrespective of the pH of the medium of their formation) is diffusion characterized by coefficients in the range of (3.2–4.3)•10-8. It is proven that copper (II) pectinate diffuses, without undergoing destruction, and cobalt (II) and iron (II) pectinates as both polymers and dissociation products pass across the membranes.

metal pectinates

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