DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor E.I. Sakanyan, PhD; I.V. Sakaeva, PhD; N.P. Rukavitsyna; M.N. Lyakina, PhD; N.P. Antonova, PhD; N.A. Postoyuk, PhD Scientific Center for Expert Evaluation of Medical Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; 8, Petrovsky Boulevard, Moscow 127051

It is supremely important to standardize both dried and fresh medicinal plant raw materials used for drugs. The content of moisture and that of total and hydrochloric acid-insoluble ashes are major determinants for the quality of both types of the raw material. The procedures for determining these determinants in the fresh medical plant raw material, which are given in the pharmacopoeias of different countries, are comparatively analyzed. The clarities introduced into their determining procedures to be included into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, 13th edition, are considered.

fresh medical plant raw material
total ash
hydrochloric acid-insoluble ash
pharmacopoeial article

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