
P.M. Lopashinov, PhD; E.L. Nivenitsyn, PhD; A.N. Kisileva, PhD; N.O. Kryukova, MD Smolensk State Medical Academy; 28, Krupskaya St., Smolensk 214019

The goals of any Russian educational establishment are now determined by the total quality management (TQM) concept and the provisions laid down in the “Standards and Directives for Higher Education Quality in the European Region”. The educational establishments, including medical ones, are developing and introducing their quality management system on the basis of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 that is an analogue of the international standard ISO 9001:2008 “Quality management systems – Requirements”. The existing management system schemes are considered in detail; the process of a quality management system in a medical university is graphically represented; an avenue of education quality management improvement in the medical university is proposed. Introduction of the proposed system will be able to create a mechanism for the walkthrough and continuous control of quality at all stages of training a specialist, which provides management process automation at the all levels of hierarchy.

management system scheme
control element
ISO standards
university’s quality management system model
set of information and organizational technologies

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