DOI: https://doi.org/None

O.Yu. Kuznetsova, PhD Kazan National Research Technology University; 68, K. Marx St., Kazan 420015

Phytotherapy and fungotherapy occupy an important place in therapeutic and preventive measures to maintain, preserve, and promote the health of the population. Drugs derived from fungi, birch polypore fungus (Fungus betulinus) in particular, are used in oncological practice. The currently available technologies of Befungin and birch polypore fungus alcoholate cannot completely derive all biologically active substances from raw materials. A comprehensive approach to processing birth polypore fungus is proposed, which involves the preparation of a staple, variants for processing secondary raw materials to isolate new biologically active compounds, and their use to design various innovative products. The modernized scheme for the complex processing of birth polypore fungus includes 3 steps: to prepare biological active compounds of birth polypore fungus as bases for designing medicaments; to design of compounds from secondary raw materials (meal); to design novel dosage forms.

complex processing
birch polypore fungus
Fungus betulinus
biologically active substances

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