DOI: https://doi.org/None

Professor S.Ya. Skachilova (1), PhD; O.I. Teryoshkina (2), PhD; Professor E.V. Shilova (1), PhD; Professor I.P. Rudakova (2), PhD; T.A. Balaev (3); A.Yu. Solovyev (3); T.N. Molostova (4); Professor I.A. Samylina (2), PhD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1 -All-Russian Research Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances; 23, Kirov St., Staraya Kupavna, Moscow Region 142450; 2 -Research Institute of Pharmacy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991 3 -Joint-Stock Company «Pharmaceutical Factory of Saint Petersburg»; 24a, Moiseenko St., Saint Petersburg 191144 4 -Research Institute of Pulmonology, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia; 32, Eleventh Parkovaya St., Moscow 105077

The paper considers the specific features of inhalation formulations used in pulmonology, the benefits of their application and the efficiency of drug delivery systems to ensure the maximum possible dose of a drug to be delivered into the lung. The formulations are systematized by the types of inhaler devices and pharmacotherapeutic groups, indicating their excipients. The paper notes the specific features of excipients used to ensure the dose of the active ingredient and the flow rate of formulations as powders, to provide stability and osmolarity of solutions and suspensions for use in nebulizer therapy. It also analyzes medical undesirable adverse reactions caused by some excipients (lactose, benzalkonium chloride, edetate disodium, etc.).

inhalation formulations
delivery systems

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