
E.D. Obluchinskaya (1), PhD; V.M. Kosman (2), PhD; O.N. Pozharitskaya (2), PhD; A.N. Shikov (2), PhD 1 -Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Kola Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences; 17, Vladimirskaya St., Murmansk 183010, Russian Federation 2 -Saint Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy; Build. 245, Kuzmolovsky Urban-Type Community, Vsevolozhsky District, Leningrad Region 188663, Russian Federation

Background. Fucoidans are sulfated homo- and heteropolysaccharides synthesized by the cells of brown algae (Phaeophyta) of different species. Fucoidan extracted from bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus L.) is promising for designing novel anticoagulants [3]. Objective: to choose conditions for preparing samples to quantify fucoidan in the bladderwrack extract and to validate the procedure. Materials and methods. The investigation used fucoidan substance extracted from bladderwrack thallus. This was performed by spectrophotometry using a Pharma Spec 1700 spectrophotometer (Japan). Results. The procedure for quantification of fucoidan from bladderwrack was validated by the indicators: specificity, linearity, correctness, and precision. Conclusion. The validation of the procedure for assay of bladderwrack fucoidan has established that this is reproducible and suitable for further application.

Fucus vesiculosus L.

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