DOI: https://doi.org/None

V.G. Yankova, PhD; S.V. Gribanova, PhD; I.L. Udyanskaya, PhD; V.Yu. Grigoryeva, PhD; I.I. Krasnyuk, Jr., PhD; A.I. Galaiko I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991

Background. Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are most common among the upper respiratory tract disorders. A metered-dose nasal sprayer formulation due to dispersion enhances the chemical and hence pharmacological activities of the drug substance, which contributes to a rapid onset of its therapeutic effect when the drug is given at a smaller dose. The key factor determining the efficiency of delivering the drug as a mucosal spray is its distribution in the nasal cavity. Objective: The subjects of the investigations were 24 xylometazoline hydrochloride (XH) preparations of different brand names, which are manufactured as a metered-dose nasal sprayer. Results. The constructed volume model simulating the spraying of a dose within the nasal cavity was used to estimate the distribution of a delivered dose between the effective (deposited on the mucosa) and ineffective (flown into the nasopharynx) ones. Conclusion. The comparative analysis of XH preparations by different manufacturers according to index «the proportion of the deposited dose» has identified the preparations, the use of which involves the optimal mechanisms for drug spraying to the mucosa.

xylometazoline hydrochloride
metered-dose nasal sprayer
nasal mucosa
delivered dose
deposited dose
spraying quality

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