
I.F. Samoshchenkova (1); A.V. Lebedev (1), PhD; R.Y. Garankina (2), PhD 1 -Turgenev Oryol State University; 95, Komsomolskaya St., Oryol 302026, Russian Federation 2 -I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; 8, Trubetskaya St., Build. 2, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation

Introduction. The pharmaceutical organization to implement its activities is obliged to comply with the requirements of Russian legislation. One of them is the maintenance of a minimum range of medicines required for medical care. Revision of the minimum range occurs once a year. In the article the question whether the introduction of new medicine in the minimum assortment can affect on the financial and economic indicators and become a burden (encumbrance) for the pharmaceutical organization is considered. Objective: To develop a technique of determination of the financial burden (encumbrance) on the pharmaceutical organization at the introduction of medicine to the minimum range. Materials and methods. The development of a technique of determination of the financial burden (encumbrance) on the pharmaceutical organization at the introduction of medicine to the minimum range was accomplished on the example of the medicine Ingavirin of 90 mg №7 (further Ingavirin). In the course of the research data of the retail audit of the Russian pharmaceutical market, conducted by DSM Group, standards of medical care were used. Economic-mathematical calculations, pharmacoeconomic analysis based on vital and essential medicines (VEM) prices were made, empiric-statistical method, the comparative and structural analysis, the technique of planning and management of trade inventories of the pharmaceutical organization were applied. Results. During the research it was shown that economic obstacles in the form of unprofitability of the pharmaceutical organization at the introduction of the medicine Ingavirin to the minimum range are absent, that in turn indicates the absence of economic «encumbrances». Conclusion. The introduction of a new medicine to the minimum range does not worsen the financial and economic indicators of the pharmaceutical organization provided that the medicine corresponds to criteria of inclusion according to Rules of forming of lists of medicines for a medical application and the minimum range of the medicines required for medical care.

the minimum range of medicines
antiviral medicines
economic assessment

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